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新赛季即将到来,现在正是最佳时机 清理我们的生活空间. It's crucial to feel good in our home or ap艺术ment and to take care of our precious living environment. 这首先要确保我们的 家是干净的 有益健康的.


In order not to give up too quickly in front of the sum of the tasks we need to accomplish, 我们准备了一份 30个清洁小贴士 做清洁, 对你的家进行深度分类和净化, which you can spread over the course of a full month by doing one task per day, 这样才能保持积极性.


来帮你清理一下,态度 自然+科技™ Range有你需要的一切! The selection includes cleaners, laundry detergents, and dish洗 liquids formulated with over 94.9%天然成分、EWG验证™和素食主义者. 


所有产品 in the range are developed to the highest quality standards and are designed to 有效清洁你的家, thanks to plant-derived surfactants known for their cleaning and foaming properties. 


以尽量减少生态足迹, products are available in convenient Eco-refills and use 80% less plastic than traditional bottles. The plastic bottles are made 从 HDPE plastic #2 which is the easiest to 回收. 









第一天. 清洁表面


使用 万能清洁剂, scrub 一切 从 your table to your counters to the tops of cabinets.


第二天. 清洗电器


用清洁剂清洁你的电器和小家电的外部 有效的油脂清洁剂. 烤箱,冰箱,咖啡机,微波炉 ... 什么都不能忘记! 烤箱和微波炉的旋钮也可以消毒, 还有冰箱和冰柜把手.


第三天. 洗水槽


你经常忘记洗水槽吗 清理会话? 让它闪闪发光, 没有比这更简单的了:把柠檬切成两半, sprinkle your sink with salt or baking soda and rub all over with the lemon halves laid flat. 用大量的温水冲洗干净,就可以了! 你的水槽是干净的,有光泽的,可以洗了!


第四天. 把食物分类


把橱柜里的东西都拿出来, 冰箱和冰柜, and pay close attention to expiration dates and the general condition of foods. 堆肥任何过期和 回收 纸板包装.


第五天. 抽屉分类


这些著名的杂七杂八的餐具抽屉,洗碗布和烤箱手套 ... 我们把所有东西都从抽屉里拿出来,然后分类! 之后找路就容易多了. Take the opportunity to clean the bottom of the drawers and put your oven mitts in the wash!


一天6. 整理食品室


You will probably have guessed that the principle is repeated here: we empty 一切, 我们对它们进行分类, 评估一下,我们就把它收起来. 这是a的关键 春季大扫除成功! You can also take the opportunity to take inventory of what you have to avoid waste. 为什么不在你前进的过程中替换缺失的东西呢 它的体积当量?





第七天. 分类衣物


A good rule of thumb when it comes to sorting our clothes is to ask ourselves if we have worn an 项 in the past year. 如果答案是否定的,我们就捐了. If the garment in question is too worn out to be donated or repaired, 我们试图为它找到第二个用途, 比如用它来做洗布, 例如.


第八天. 洗床上用品


我们用 温和的洗衣皂! 床单、羽绒被、枕头、床垫套、装饰靠垫 ... 一切! 当然, 忘记 跟随 说明 每一个 If the weather is nice, you can hang 一切 on a clothesline in order to save energy ... 享受你床上用品的清香!


天9. 时尚配饰分类


珠宝,鞋子,手袋和帽子到处都是? We take the time to unravel 一切 and arrange it in an attractive way. We take the opportunity to clean the soles of our shoes and treat the leather of our leather goods. You will see; it is very satisfying (and budget-friendly) to shop ... 在我们自己的衣橱里!





第十天. 深层清洁


我们首先清洗水槽、抽水马桶、浴缸和淋浴 合适的清洁剂. 然后,我们 清洁瓷砖,柜台和橱柜,以及 镜子. 我们希望一切都是这样 光彩夺目的!


天11. 这种化妆品


We take out makeup and skincare products 从 drawers and cabinets and check their expiration dates as well as the PAO (Period After Opening). This is a symbol commonly found on cosmetic product packaging to indicate the period of time after opening during which the product is considered safe to use. 处理掉我们的化妆品, we first empty their contents in the trash (not in the sink or in the toilet). 然后,我们仔细冲洗他们的包装,我们 回收 什么是合适的,我们看 一个TerraCycle箱 in our neighborhood to efficiently 回收 what does not go directly in the bin.


天12. 处理过期药物


To dispose of expired drugs, the pills need to be emptied 从 their containers first. 其中大部分都可以回收利用, while medicine must be disposed of responsibly at the local pharmacy laboratory.


天13. 洗浴帘和浴垫


我们的浴帘有受潮的痕迹吗? 我们把它解开,彻底清洗. 浴垫有怪味吗? 把它放进洗衣机里,挂起来晾干.





第14天. 类书籍


书容易积灰. What's the best way not to sneeze every time we pick a novel to read? We keep the bare minimum, namely books that we are sure to consult again. 然后, we organize them 根据 to a system that makes it easy to find what we are looking for (in alphabetical order, 例如). It is much easier to maintain our possessions when we have little of them!


一天15. 清洁家具 


除了…之外 除尘和清洗表面我们会用吸尘器吸沙发、沙发,如果可以的话,还会清洗沙发套!


16天. 为遥控器消毒


遥控器 ... 这些物品经常被处理,但很少被清洗! Spring cleaning is the perfect timing to get into the good habit of 消毒 每周喷一次合适的喷雾.






天17. 为电子产品消毒


... and the same goes for our keyboards and mouse, tablets, cellphones and so on!


天18. 把文件归档


Did we realize, while doing our taxes, that our filing system was inexistant or insufficient? 我们找到了一个适合我们的归档系统(按年份、按类别等).),我们会坚持下去! This investment of hours now will save us a tremendous amount of time down the road! 未来的自己会感谢我们的.


天19. 清空并归档“万能抽屉”


每个人都有一个. This famous drawer where we put things like mail, paperclips, electronic chargers, batteries ... 现在是清空它的时候了, 对它进行分类, and to get rid of all the unnecessary 项s it probably contains for good.




20天. 给散热器除尘


We vacuum our heaters and radiators to avoid allergens and that characteristic burning smell when the time comes to turn on the heat.


21天. 洗窗帘


窗帘也会积聚尘螨和宠物毛发. 把它们放进洗衣机里洗, 然后, hang them up on their pole so they can dry without inelegant creases.


22天. 清洗地毯


用吸尘器清扫短绒地毯和长绒地毯就够了, 但每隔一段时间洗一次就更好了, to 去除顽固的污渍和气味. 还有什么比春季大扫除更适合这个时候呢!


天23. 清洁踢脚板和模具


用一块布和一个 通用的清洁, we go around the baseboards and moldings and make sure to dust 一切. 这也是一个很好的方法来看看这些是否需要油漆修补!


一天24. 给门把手消毒


你一天要碰几个把手? 答案是很多. 但是你打算什么时候清洗它们呢? Now is the time to add this simple cleaning tip and necessary gesture to your routine! 使用 an effective disinfectant, we clean the handles and the locks thoroughly ... 为什么不趁机把门也洗一洗呢!


25天. 清洗窗户和镜子


The days are slowly getting longer, and what better way to let in as much light as possible than 漂亮的窗户,干净,无条纹的玻璃? We do not neglect the frames and mosquito nets, and we also wash our 镜子! For an eco-friendly cleaning, use reusable cloths or 新spapers instead of single-use paper towels!


26天. 洗地板


我们制作瓷砖、木材、大理石,我们所有的地板都闪闪发光 地板清洁剂 免费的 有关 成分 根据 谘询小组.


27天. 清洁小摆设和装饰物品


小饰品和其他装饰品为我们的家增添了个性. But whether they are purely aesthetic or sentimental, we need to dust them off!


28天. 清洗风扇和灯具


Whether our fans are the pedestal kind or in the form of ceiling fans, 我们应该记得定期清洁他们的刀片, 这样他们就不会不必要地移动灰尘. 我们也打扫灯具和悬挂装置.


29天. 清洗和消毒垃圾桶、回收站和堆肥箱


我们把所有的垃圾桶和垃圾箱(室内和室外)都带走。, 我们用大量的水清洗它们并消毒, 为了避免难闻的气味和细菌的繁殖.


30天. 刷洗墙壁


We take care of removing anything that adorns our walls (picture frames, 艺术, 等), 我们从天花板到地板都打扫干净. If we discover any roughness there, we take the opportunity to plaster and paint them!


Now that you are properly equipped and on a mission to follow our cleaning tips, 记住你的目标, 因为那种感觉 生活在一个干净、健康的家里 这样的努力值得吗! Feel 免费的 to involve your kids in your spring cleaning challenge if you can. 你甚至可以用它制作游戏,何乐不为呢?


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作者:Team 的态度